weight on 受到压力 The cooling economy continued to weigh on employment.
= be squeezed 程度更重,因为被挤压变形 weight on 可轻可重
essence 本质,精华 Others claim that Ireland’s very essence is expressed through the language. 其他人声称爱尔兰最精髓的东西是通过语言表现出来的。The essence of dialectical thought is division. 辩证思维的核心就是二分法。
flop 落下;失败 The fish were flopping around in the bottom of the boat. 鱼在船底扑腾。His last two movies have been complete flops and now no studio will touch him. 他的前两部电影彻底失败了,现在没有制片厂愿意用他。Her hair flopped over her eyes. 她的头发耷拉下来遮住了眼睛。
grant 准许;助学金/津贴 The government has been granted emergency powers. 政府已被授予应急权力。
take it for ganted 认为理由应当 I take it for granted that they have arrived there already. 我还以为他们已经到这儿了。He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative. 他似乎想当然地认为他应该以代表的身份发言。
freight 货运,货物,装货 The railways will carry a far higher proportion of freight traffic 铁路将承担比例高得多的货运量。The squeeze on freight capacity is even worse. 货运运能更加紧张。
incentive 激励的事物;刺激;诱因 The incentive should be someting the individual actually wants, and this isn’t always just money. 激励机制应该提供每个人实际需要的东西,而并不总是金钱
indigenous 土生土长的人;固有的 The indigenous peoples of Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚的土著…
induce 引诱 引起 The new generation might not want to be induced into the old traditions. 新一代可能不想被引向旧传统
nurture =to nourish 培养 滋养 many people nurture the belief that…… 许多人培养了/有了这种信念/认为…
